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Release Notes for Late 12/7/2018

Начато FRAGRANGE, 08 Декабрь 2018 - 06:21


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Опубликовано 08 Декабрь 2018 - 06:21

– Fixed an issue in squad mode that caused the winning squad to not be able to play again from the victory screen.
– Added correct localizations for kills by Frag Grenade, Diversion Device, and Fire Bomb.
– Fixed a regression with motion blur graphics settings.
– Optimized memory usage when not playing Danger Zone.

– Added a setting “sv_prime_accounts_only”. When enabled, only prime accounts can connect to the game server.
– Added console commands to support Danger Zone squads:
— sv_dz_team_count N : set DZ team size to N players per squad.
— sv_dz_jointeam_allowed 1: enable users to choose their own squad during warmup via dz_jointeam.
— sv_dz_autojointeam 0: disable players from automatically being assigned a squad when they join the server.
— dz_clearteams – remove players from all squads.
— dz_shuffle_teams – shuffle all players onto random squads.
— dz_jointeam N : Join squad #N (0 = none, valid squads range from 1 to 9).
— dz_jointeam N : Server admins only – assign a player to a particular squad. Doesn’t require sv_dz_jointeam_allowed.
– dz_jointeam only works during warmup. Use dz_clearteams / sv_dz_autojointeam 0 with care — all players must be assigned a valid squad when the game starts.

[url=http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/2018/12/21582/]Читать дальше[/url]
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