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Release Notes for 10/5/2017

Начато FRAGRANGE, 06 Октябрь 2017 - 02:32


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Опубликовано 06 Октябрь 2017 - 02:32

– Added a double-confirmation purchase UI for Perfect World users to help avoid accidental purchase clicks.

As a pre-release beta, the following changes can be previewed offline with bots:
– Smoke grenades now have 10 unit radius when deciding if they are close enough to a fire to extinguish it. This helps reduce the number of ‘gaps’ between flames which could cause a smoke grenade to not detonate.
– Additional changes to smoke grenade detonation to make smoke/fire collision more predictable in areas with rough terrain / ledges / stairs.

[url=http://blog.counter-strike.net/index.php/2017/10/19421/]Читать дальше[/url]
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